The Men We All Love.... In Drag?


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That's right ladies...
I've got the sexiest drag queens out there, right here on my site. Not to mention a few tid bits about the fruits we all love. Btw, feel free to e-mail additional drag queen pictures. I take donations.

Poor Bob
:: Darien appears at the scene to save his 'love' (actually he's just using her to make Bob jealous::
Darien: "How dare you hurt my bitch... I mean love... I will strike you down with my roses of gayness... I mean truth and love!"
villian dude: "::snicker snicker::'
Darien: "what's so funny?" ::stands there with limp wrist::
villian dude: "::bursts out into unctontrollable laughter::"
Darien: "what is so funny?!?!"
villian dude: "Haha! nothing! hahaha!!!!"
::Sailor moon looks around::
Sailor Moon: "huh?"
Villian dude: "Darien's a gay-wad!!! hahaha!"
Darien: " I am not!"
Sailor Moon: "pssst... Ami, what's a 'gay-wad'?"
Sailor Mercury: "Remeber when I was telling you about Neptune, Uranus, and I?"
Sailor Moon: "yes! that was really gross, Ami, I really didn't want to know about it."
Sailor Mercury: "well, that's kind of what he meant by 'gay-wad'"
Sailor Moon: "ew! that's gross! I kissed him!"
Darien: "It's not true!"
::bob walks by::
Darien: "oh, hi Bob. How are you doing?"
Bob: "umm.... Hi, Darien, I have run!" ::thinks:: "what a fag! why does he keep hitting on me?!?!"
Villian dude: "hahahaha! I knew it was true!!!!"
Sailor Moon: ::starts crying:: "waaaaaahhh!!!!!"
-by the almighty Kathy-chan

The Truth Comes Out.... Of The Closet?
SpotlitePrincess: what kind of roses does Tuxedo Mask use? I mean, they are very stiff and they fly like arrows
Little Washu SG: they're special roses
SpotlitePrincess: and they cut into skin
Little Washu SG: they have blades inside of them
SpotlitePrincess: i think mamaru is a geek-wad! he becomes tuxedo mask to cover his dorkness, but he is still a big loser!
SpotlitePrincess: lol

SpotlitePrincess: muahahahaha
SpotlitePrincess: oh i see
Little Washu SG: hahahaha!!!!
SpotlitePrincess: it is true
Little Washu SG: they're gay roses
Little Washu SG: roses of gayness!
SpotlitePrincess: and he cant get a gf so he goes out with a 15 year old while he is 21!
SpotlitePrincess: yeah that is it!
SpotlitePrincess: roses of gayness
Little Washu SG: yep yep
Little Washu SG: he dates serena to try and make that guy from the arcade jealous
SpotlitePrincess: yeah i know!
SpotlitePrincess: he loves uh...whatever that guy's name is
SpotlitePrincess: john? bob? kevin?
Little Washu SG: I can't remember
Little Washu SG: I officially name him Bob
SpotlitePrincess: ok mamaru (darian) is in love with Bob!
SpotlitePrincess: usagi is only a device to enrage Bob and cause him pain.
SpotlitePrincess: you know, not to diss sailor mercury, but... i think she is bi
Little Washu SG: yeah I do too
SpotlitePrincess: really? i am glad i am not alone in this
Little Washu SG: maybe that's why she always hung out with neptune
SpotlitePrincess: yeah...
SpotlitePrincess: and why she was so sad when serena ditched her to be with darian-gay-wad
Little Washu SG: haha
Little Washu SG: yeah
SpotlitePrincess: that is my theory and i am sticking with it
SpotlitePrincess: nephrite and zoizite....ha ha ha
Little Washu SG: hahahahahaha!!!!!
SpotlitePrincess: that is so disturbing
Little Washu SG: yes, yes it it

~A realization that Courtney and I reached~

Some Useful Definitions
*1. Main Entry: drag queen
Function: noun
Date: circa 1941
: a male homosexual who dresses as a woman

*2. Main Entry: trans·ves·tite
Pronunciation: tran(t)s-'ves-"tIt, tranz-
Function: noun
Etymology: German Transvestit, from Latin trans- + vestire to clothe
Date: circa 1922
: a person and especially a male who adopts the dress and often the behavior typical of the opposite sex especially for purposes of emotional or sexual gratification
- trans·ves·tism /-'ves-"ti-z&m/ noun
- transvestite adjective

*3. Main Entry: her·maph·ro·dite
Pronunciation: (")h&r-'ma-fr&-"dIt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English hermofrodite, from Latin hermaphroditus, from Greek hermaphroditos, from Hermaphroditos
Date: 14th century
1 : an animal or plant having both male and female reproductive organs
2 : something that is a combination of diverse elements
- hermaphrodite adjective
- her·maph·ro·dit·ic /(")h&r-"ma-fr&-'di-tik/ adjective
- her·maph·ro·dit·ism /-'ma-fr&-"dI-"ti-z&m/ noun
(Also reffered to as a "Hermy")